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If you or your partner snores, you know how difficult it can be to get a good night’s sleep. With the Theravent Advanced Nightly Snoring Solution, you could enjoy quiet, restful sleep at last-with no complicated machines or devices, and no drugs or medicinal sprays.
For some people, the windpipe partially closes when the muscles inside the throat relax during sleep.
This forces the air you breathe to move more quickly through this tunnel and makes the soft tissues of your throat vibrate.
That vibration causes the noise we know as snoring
Theravent is a small, lightweight, single-use device that simply adheres to your nose to reduce or eliminate snoring - and is virtually undetectable to the wearer after the first few nights.
In clinical trials, Theravent began working immediately on the first night to reduce or eliminate snoring
Theravent uses a patented MicroValve feature to help ease the symptoms of snoring
Lightweight and simple to use, Theravent is comfortable for nightly use and perfect for traveling
Theravent is available without a prescription
From light snorers to heavy snorers, enjoy Theravent Regular, or Max - the perfect design is available for anyone who suffers from snoring
Step 1: REMOVE
Remove the strip from the packaging and peel off the paper backing, exposing the adhesive:
Step 2: ALIGN
Using a mirror, center the device and ensure that both nostrils are covered completely by the mesh area
Step 3: APPLY
Press gently and securely against the device to create a seal
For maximum comfort, breathe through your mouth until you fall asleep-while you sleep, you’ll naturally switch to breathing through your nose
Some people may adjust to using the snore therapy in one night, others should allow a week to become accustomed to using Theravent.
If you have trouble adjusting to breathing through your nose, try our snoring chin strap to assist you in the transition.
Regular (Half the Regular Strength)
For people who typically snore nightly
Max (Double Regular Strength)
For heavy, loud snorers
*Note: Theravent Regular and Max contain 20 strips
Theravent Advanced Nightly Snoring Solution's impact on snoring has been tested in 3 separate clinical trials. Theravent was shown to improve the sleep quality of both the user and their partner.
During the studies, Theravent
was found to reduce both the time spent snoring and the noise level of the snoring. Approximately 3 out of 4 bed partners got a better night's sleep when their partner used Theravent.
To minimize the impact on sleep and health,
the World Health Organization recommends noise levels at night should not exceed 40 db. In the studies, Theravent was able to reduce snoring below these levels.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) can be a cause of snoring. While Theravent provides a new treatment option for people who snore, it is not for use by people diagnosed with OSA. The safety of Theravent has not been established for pregnant
women, or for children under 18.
If you have a cold, sinus or ear infection, or perforated eardrum, you should not use Theravent. In addition, Theravent is not recommended for people who suffer from asthma, emphysema or other
breathing problems, low blood pressure, or severe heart problems.
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